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Publications in professional journals and lectures

We obtain a great deal of information from the professional world through articles in journals and committee work. With our articles, we stimulate knowledge transfer and discussion.

Soil pressures and load propagation under tandem vehicle LM 1

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Frederik Müller, IngSoft GmbH, Nuremberg -|- The widely used approach of equivalent surface loads from road traffic for underground pipelines and manhole structures will be replaced in the foreseeable future: It will be replaced by the load models of DIN Technical Report 101 for bridges, which focuses on individual wheel loads. The SLW 60 according to DIN 1072 and the load model1 according to DIN Technical Report 101 are compared. An exemplary investigation of the soil pressures and the load propagation for load model 1 is carried out -|- Published in the journal 3R



Rehabilitation of large profiles lacking long-term stability

Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Beckmann, Dr.-Ing. Heinz Doll and Dipl.-Ing. Vladimir Lacmanović -|-The large wastewater collectors, which are mainly laid under public roads, have often been in operation for over 100 years and are made of masonry or tamped concrete and often show such serious damage that their long-term stability no longer appears to be guaranteed. As an alternative to renewal, various renovation methods are also available for large sections, which offer significant advantages in terms of investment costs, environmental protection and urban pollution.

Depending on the process, the extension of the service life achieved can be equivalent to that of a renewal. The prerequisite is a detailed investigation of the actual stability or residual load-bearing capacity of the existing sewer and a needs-based selection and dimensioning of the rehabilitation method. Part 1 of this technical report (3R issue 1-2/2016) was dedicated to the condition assessment and rehabilitation methods. Part 2 deals in detail with the new worksheet DWA-A 143-2, which provides a good basis for the necessary structural calculations. -|- Published in the magazine 3R



Structural analysis of PE-HD pipes according to ATV-DVWK-A 127

Dipl.-Ing. Frederik Müller, Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Füllgrabe -|- For the static calculation of buried pipes, there are various regulations available on an international level. The publica-tions of AWWA, SIA and DWA (formerly ATV-DVWK) are important for pipe statics. This article describes the basic procedure for the dimensioning of profiled pipes using the ATV-DVWK-A 127 (Germany) worksheet, as this set of rules also enjoys great international recognition. -|- Published in the journal IMPROFIL



Stability of underground cable protection conduits in bundles

Dipl.-Ing. Vladimir Lacmanovic, Dipl.-Ing. Frederik Müller -|- Electrical cables, fiber optic cables and other sensitive components of modern infrastructure are often laid in protective pipes in the ground. The protective role is usually played by plastic pipes made of polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP) or polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The optimum wall thickness required for the cost-effectiveness and stability of these pipes can be determined using static calculations. A special feature here is the dimensioning of several pipes as a package or cable bundle. -|- Published in the journal SUBSTANZ


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