Publications in professional journals and lectures
We obtain a great deal of information from the professional world through articles in journals and committee work. With our articles, we stimulate knowledge transfer and discussion.
Contributions are in German, English or Romanian - see the language used in the preface.
Professional articles
Contributions for KA, 3R and various publications
Soil pressures and load propagation under tandem vehicle LM 1
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Frederik Müller, IngSoft GmbH, Nuremberg -|- The widely used approach of equivalent surface loads from road traffic for underground pipelines and manhole structures will be replaced in the foreseeable future: It will be replaced by the load models of DIN Technical Report 101 for bridges, which focuses on individual wheel loads. The SLW 60 according to DIN 1072 and the load model1 according to DIN Technical Report 101 are compared. An exemplary investigation of the soil pressures and the load propagation for load model 1 is carried out -|- Published in the journal 3R
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Frederik Müller, IngSoft GmbH, Nuremberg Dipl.-Ing. (Univ. Belgrade) Vladimir Lacmanović, IngSoft GmbH, Nuremberg -|- Electric cables, fiber optics and other sensitive components of modern infrastructure are often infrastructure are often laid in protective tubes in the ground. The protective role is usually performed by plastic pipes made of polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP) or polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The optimum wall thickness required for the cost-effectiveness and stability of these and stability of these pipes can be determined by static calculations. can be determined. A special feature here is the dimensioning of several pipes as a package or cable bundle. -|- First published in the magazine SUBSTANZ 8/2021 by URETEK, p. 26-29 as well as Ernst & Sohn Special 2022 - Sewer and Pipeline Construction, p. 60-63
- Calculul static al conductelor îngropate, conform fișei de lucru ATV-DVWK-A 127 (ROMAN) (pdf) 654 KB
Diplomat Inginer (Universitatea din Belgrade) Vladimir LACMANOVIĆ, IngSoft GmbH -|-. Pentru calculul static al conductelor îngropate, există diferite reglementări disponibile la nivel internațional. Acest articol descrie procedura de bază pentru dimensionarea țevilor profilate cu ajutorul fișei de lucru ATV-DVWK-A 127 (Germania), deoarece acest set de reguli naționale beneficiază, de asemenea, de o largă recunoaștere internațională. Calculation modules for installation in trenches according to ATV-DVWK-A 127 -|-. Published in trenchlessromania spring 2020, p. 24f.
Diplomat Inginer (Universitatea din Belgrade) Vladimir LACMANOVIĆ, IngSoft GmbH -|-. Există multe motive pentru a utiliza metodele minim invazive trenchless pentru a instala conducte în subteran: nicio deplasare a solului, nicio distrugere a drumului ce ar implica o perturbare majoră a traficului, afectare minimă a zonelor rezidențiale, conservarea mediului și multe altele. Calculation modules for trenchless installation according to DWA-A 161 and DWA-A 143-2 -|-. Published in trenchlessromania November 2019, p. 30f.
Frederik Müller, IngSoft GmbH, Germany Stephan Füllgrabe, PlaspiTec GmbH, Germany -|- For the static calculation of buried pipes, there are various regulations available on an international level. The publications of AWWA, SIA and DWA are important for pipe statics. This article describes the basic procedure for the dimensioning of profiled pipes using the ATV-DVWK-A 127 (Germany) worksheet, as this set of rules also enjoys great international recognition. -|- Published in IMPROFIL (Magazine of KRAH PIPES) No. 19/2019, p. 16-21
Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Beckmann, S & P Consult GmbH, Bochum Dipl.-Ing. (Univ. Belgrade) Vladimir Lacmanović, IngSoft GmbH, Nuremberg -|- Until now, the static calculation of liners in non-permanently stable channels with eiquerschnitt could only be performed with very complex and expensive FEM analyses for each individual case. Now a new reliable calculation method is available, which is based on a specially developed bar model and can be automated for convenient operation. -|- Published in the special edition Sewer and Pipeline Construction - Construction and Rehabilitation by Ernst & Sohn-Special
Dietmar Beckmann, Heinz Doll and Vladimir Lacmanović -|- Many large interceptor sewers, predominantly installed under public roads, have been in use for over 100 years. They are made of brickwork or compressed concrete and often show serious damage, so that it would seem that long-term stability can no longer be guaranteed. As an alternative to replacing large profiles, various renovation procedures offer significant advantages with respect to investment costs, environmental protection and urban pollution. Depending on the procedure, it may well be possible to extend the service life, in order to match that of a replacement. However, beforehand, an in-depth study of the current stability and residual load capacity of the existing sewer is required, along with needs-based selection and dimensioning of the rehabilitation procedure. The new standard DWA-A 143-2 serves as a good basis for the necessary static calculations. -|- Released in the magazine 3R international, special edition
Dietmar Beckmann, Heinz Doll and Vladimir Lacmanović -|-. Part 2: Effects of DWA-A 143-2 on liner dimensioning The large sewage collectors laid mainly under public roads have in many cases been in operation for more than 100 years.They are made of masonry or stamped concrete and often show such serious damage that long-term stability no longer seems to be guaranteed. As an alternative to renewal, various renovation methods are also available for large sections, which offer significant advantages in terms of investment costs, environmental protection and urban pollution. Depending on the procedure, the extension of the service life achieved in this way may well be equivalent to that of a renewal. The prerequisite is a thorough investigation of the actual stability or residual load-bearing capacity of the existing sewer and a selection and dimensioning of the rehabilitation method in line with requirements. Part 1 of this technical report (3R issue 1-2/2016) was dedicated to the condition assessment and rehabilitation procedures. Part 2 goes into detail below on the new DWA-A 143-2 worksheet, which provides a good basis for the necessary structural calculations. -|- Published in the journal 3R
Dietmar Beckmann, Heinz Doll and Vladimir Lacmanović -|-. Part 1: Condition assessment and remediation procedures The large sewage collectors laid mainly under public roads have been in operation for over 100 years in many cases. They are made of masonry or stamped concrete and often show such serious damages that the permanent stability seems to be no longer guaranteed. As an alternative to renewal, various renovation methods are also available for large sections, which offer significant advantages in terms of investment costs, environmental protection and urban impact. Depending on the procedure, the extension of the service life achieved in this way may well be equivalent to that of a renewal. The prerequisite is a detailed investigation of the actual stability or residual load-bearing capacity of the existing sewer and a selection and dimensioning of the rehabilitation method in line with requirements. The new DWA-A 143-2 worksheet provides a good basis for the necessary structural calculations, which are described in detail in Part 2, 3R Issue 3/2016. -|- Published in the journal 3R
Jacques Kohler and Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Beckmann -|-. For the rehabilitation of sewers and pipelines that are no longer permanently stable (old pipe condition III) using lining and installation methods, the preparation of a single structural analysis is usually not sufficient. Particularly in the case of changing cover heights and/or a fluctuating groundwater level, it is not possible to estimate in advance without more precise calculations which combinations of effects will lead to the greatest stresses on the liner and the old pipe. In addition, any annular gap between the liner and the old pipe can have either a favorable or an unfavorable effect. For this reason, this technical report presents a systematic verification concept for the old pipe condition III, which is already integrated in the new M127-2 calculation module of the IngSoft EasyPipe software. -|- Published in the journal 3R
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Frederik Müller, IngSoft GmbH, Nuremberg -|-. The consideration of loads outside the common standards poses challenges to the preparers of static calculations for buried pipelines, manholes and civil engineering measures. It is investigated whether the design airplane loads (ASL) defined in 1970 cover the loads from current passenger aircraft (Boeing 747, Airbus A340, A380). -|- Published in the Ernst & Sohn-Special Sewer and Pipeline Construction - Construction and Rehabilitation.
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Frederik Müller, IngSoft GmbH, Nuremberg -|-. The widely used approach of equivalent area loads from road traffic for buried pipelines and manholes will be replaced in the foreseeable future: It will be replaced by the load models of the DIN technical report 101 for bridges, which focuses on individual wheel loads. The SLW 60 according to DIN 1072 and the load model1 according to DIN Technical Report 101 are compared. An exemplary investigation of the soil pressures as well as the load propagation for the load model 1 is carried out. -|-. Published in the journal 3R
- Notes on the 3rd edition of ATV-DVWK-A 127 and the static calculation of buried pressure pipes (pdf) 732 KB
Karsten Reese and Ulrich Wallmann -|- The 3rd edition of the ATV-DVWK worksheet A 127 (static calculation of sewers and pipes) contains some obvious changes. In practical application, this results in additional implications that are not explicitly mentioned in the worksheet: For example, the use of material parameters obtained from long-term or short-term values weighted in the ratio of earth loads to live loads forces separate stress verifications to be carried out for the individual load cases. -|- Published in the journal 3R