A 127 (Germany)
The calculation module A 127 follows the worksheet ATV-DVWK-A 127, 3rd edition (2000 edition).
It allows the static calculation of buried pipelines in trenches or dams and enables the dimensioning of pipes made of all materials mentioned in the worksheet.
This module also checks trench widths according to DIN EN 1610 and minimum dimensions according to DIN V 1201. It takes into account current concrete grades and allows any custom materials. If required, it verifies buoyancy safety.

The verification is performed automatically depending on the material and load for minimum and maximum groundwater levels or short- and long-term conditions. In the dynamic verification (fatigue), 2x106 and 1x108 load cycles are available as defaults according to A 127. In addition, the number of cycles can be freely selected. Reinforced concrete pipes can be analyzed with one or two layers of reinforcement.
On request, the crack check can be performed according to DIN EN 1992-1-1. In addition to load model 1 (LM1) for road traffic and LM71 and UIC71 (railroad), the stored load package also includes design aircraft (BFZ) and allows free input (see also extension Special vehicles) as well as the choice between SLW60, SLW30 and LKW12.

M45 (USA)
With the M 45 Fiberglass Pipe Design (2005 edition), the 'American Water Works Association' (AWWA) published a manual for the underground installation of fiberglass-reinforced plastic pipes (GRP pipes), which has gained recognition in many parts of the world.
The M 45 calculation module for IngSoft EasyPipe reproduces the static calculation of GRP pipes described in the AWWA M 45.

As a user, you determine minimum and maximum cover heights and groundwater levels and specify backfill and bedding.
In addition, the program accepts your data on the natural soil and the pipe geometry, which can be mapped as a pressure pipe with PN/SN/DN or from a database.
The E-modulus of the pipe material GRP, the position of the neutral fiber in the cross-section as well as loads (HS 20/25 truck, Cooper E-80 locomotive, internal pressure (as operating pressure, pressure surge, negative pressure)) must be specified.
IngSoft EasyPipe determines deformations, elongations and torsion pressure for the pipes made of GRP.

SIA 190:2017 (Switzerland)
The SIA 190 calculation module follows the Swiss norm SIA 190, Sewer Systems, 2017 edition including Technical Documentation D 0263.
It allows the structural analysis of buried pipelines in trenches or dams and enables the dimensioning of pipes made of all materials mentioned in the worksheet in flexurally soft and flexurally rigid designs.

The Swiss regulations distinguish between pipes on ordinary, yielding or unyielding ground.
Road, railroad and field are available as load models.
The IngSoft EasyPipe software provides the following verifications:
- Ultimate limit state design
- Stress analysis
- Deformation check
- Buoyancy check
If the groundwater level is present, it must also be entered.

The - in the original incomplete - new edition of the regulations from 2017 contains many innovations, which IngSoft EasyPipe provides in an independent calculation module.
In spring 2018, the SIA prepared the supplementary documentation D 0263 with the content Pipe Statics - Technical Documentation for the Standard SIA 190:2017. The SIA offers the D 0263 for download with costs .
- The calculation module SIA 190:2017 is available. We receive the results of the calculation examples with IngSoft EasyPipe.
- Furthermore available is the calculation module SIA 190, which implements the 2000 edition of the regulations